Haslet Completes Multi-Year Internship at FCHS Museum
Aimee Haslet of Tionesta began her internship at the History Museum in the summer of 2018, right after she graduated from high school. She is on-track to graduate from Clarion University
this December and will begin her graduate study in speech pathology at Clarion in January 2022. During her four summers working with the Forest County Historical Society, Aimee completed a number of projects. These included creation of a scavenger hunt for kids and several PowerPoint presentations to display in the museum. These include presentations on the artifacts on the second floor of the museum, the basement, and the lumber camp. The digital presentations allow people with mobility issues to see these artifacts without navigating the stairs. Aimee also spent countless hours updating our accession records.
Best wishes, Aimee, and thank you for all your hard work!